Acrylic sheet

Acrylic sheet is very versatile and is used for manufacturing everything from baths to expensive furniture, it has several advantages compared to using wood and is often the number one choice for sign manufacturers. Below you will find the links to pages that should help you use acrylic sheet to it's maximum advantage. Over the years I have made many items using Acrylic and always enjoy working with it, the articles below will hopefully help you to work easily with this fantastic material.

To the left is a piece of cast acrylic in a fluorescent colour, this is made by Lucite International and sold under it's Perspex brand.
Acrylic sheet is normally made by one of two processes, one of which is cast acrylic which is made by pouring a mixture of chemicals known as "syrup" into a cell which is made of two large sheets of glass. This is then heated in special ovens for a couple of hours until the syrup becomes solid. Virtually any colour of Acrylic can be manufactured including fluorescent colours and colours that resemble metal (metallic colours). Acrylic can also be extruded on large extrusion lines.
You can find videos on how to work with acrylic here- Acrylic videos