DIY Safety
The safety of yourself and those around you is extremely important. Do not cut corners or sacrifice safety, DIY can be dangerous! although you may be thinking I am being over cautious here, I am not. Children and animals for instance very often have no perception of danger until they are missing a limb or worse!
Anyone that works in Industry or construction will be well aware of legislation that covers everything they do at work, for example- Health and Safety at work act.- Electricity at work regulations - Control of substances hazardous to health - Working at height regulations, plus many more. This legislation is there to protect workers and strict rules have to be followed. None of these regulations apply to anyone who is doing DIY in their own home, hence common sense has to be used. If you do not know something then please leave it alone or ask somebody that does know!

Balancing on a window ledge is not a good Idea!!!!!