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Ultimate Handyman




How to reseal a leaking shower tray | Silicone shower tray


A leaking shower tray can often result in water leaking through the ceiling into the rooms below. In most cases this is relatively easy to fix, although the job can be time consuming. The shower tray in this bathroom has not been touched for years, the intention was to replace the whole bathroom, but once the water started to leak through into the kitchen, it was time to fix the problem. Originally gaffer tape was used as a temporary measure, but after applying that I was busy for a few months and did not get around to fixing it.
This video shows how to fit the beading over the top of the silicone- https://youtu.be/wnEENFIvdKk

These videos might also help-

How to get a perfect silicone bead- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vjTxTFL-k0&t
How to use a silicone gun - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt8TtoIVDt0
How to remove silicone sealant- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ7x6Lcml1Y
How to silicone a bath - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKFunUIh9rc
Silicone remover VS WD-40- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq2Z-i5Iy7s&t
WD-40 VS silicone remover tool- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LDvz-sqOn8&t
Fugenboy silicone tools- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgcqi5LoLSI

Links to products used in this video and the other video in the series-

Silicone remover chemical - https://fave.co/3jDZqbq
Silicone removal tool - https://fave.co/38B1M4s
DOW 785 sanitary silicone- https://fave.co/3gW3p1e
Blue paper towel - https://fave.co/3gYPCqu
Methylated spirits - https://fave.co/3mY3i98
Super glue- https://fave.co/3jFzYly
glazing packers - https://fave.co/3jFLsWy
ZEP mould and mildew remover- https://fave.co/2WOQ0Rx
UPVC beading- https://fave.co/3gYdHxH

Silicone Sealant videos
seal shower, leaking shower, seal shower tray
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