Ultimate Handyman DIY Home noise from central heating

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It is not unusual to hear noise coming from metal pipes on central heating systems. This is often where spooky creaking noises come from around your home, there is no need to call out most haunted just yet as this can easily be cured!

In the Plumbing section I recommended the use of Plastic pipe and pushfit joints because of their ease of installation and because they do not suffer from thermal expansion as much as copper pipes. Copper pipes are Normally the culprit for spooky creaking and cracking noises, these can happen at any time when the central heating is heating up or cooling down. The heat causes the copper pipes to expand and if the pipe is gripped tightly by timber or a wall or if it touches another pipe then Noise will often be heard.



It will be necessary to take up the floorboards directly where you hear the noise coming from for inspection. You should find the copper central heating pipes, these should be sunk into the joists (notched), just below the level of the top of the joist.

If the pipes are touching and there is no room for movement you are going to have to make the notch slightly wider by carefully cutting down each side with a tenon saw , then remove the wood that you have cut out with a chisel or screw driver. Be careful not to damage the pipes! Do not notch the joist any deeper as this can significantly weaken the joist.

It is a good idea to wrap some felt or pipe lagging around the pipe where the notch is, alternatively you can ensure that both pipes are not touching and squirt a little expanding foam around them, this will hold the pipes in place. Cut off any excess foam when dry and replace the floor boards.


Humming in pipes

Humming noises from pipe work are normally caused by either the pipe being too small or by the pump being set at too high a speed, this can be very annoying. It is doubtful that this problem will occur over night but is more likely to be recognised shortly after installation. A specialist would be required to assess the pipe and pump as it is not really within the realms of the DIY enthusiast.





Central Heating







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